Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Year 5


Welcome to Year 5


In our classes, there are regular adults who work with your children.

These adults are:

Miss Benson - Class Teacher

Mr Wright - Class Teacher

Mr Jenkins - TA

Planning, Preparation and Assessment cover - Mrs Harris - Higher Level Teaching Assistant


We are delighted to be working with your children and are looking forward to all of the wonderful things we will be learning together. The children are in for an exciting year in Year 5.

Please feel free to speak to any member of the Year 5 team if you have any questions or queries or contact us via the office. 


Keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey through year 5.

Spring Term 1

We have a busy Spring Term which is full of fun and engaging activities. In English, we will read our second narrative story, The Island that Didn’t Exist by Joe Wilson. Year 5 have the pleasure of being visited by Joe on the 26th January. Joe will be offering to sign any copies of his book ; these can be purchased beforehand via School Money. 

In Maths, we will continue to develop our multiplication and division knowledge which will help us as we progress into our other units such as fractions, decimals and percentages. Once we have a firm understanding of these, we will move onto area and perimeter. Weekly Maths homework is set home to support new learning and further their confidence. We will continue to use Times Table Rock Stars to promote learning times tables. 

For Reading, we continue to encourage your child to read at least three times a week. We will teach reading through a range of high-quality texts across the week, securing the children’s reading skills. Your child should now also be familiar with completing quizzes on Accelerated reader when they have completed their reading books and are becoming more independent when accessing new books from the KS2 Library.

In Geography, our focus will be North America. We will be studying what countries are in North America, key cities and important physical features. In addition, we will be looking at the climate within North America and comparing it with our own. To finish the children will be writing an information leaflet on why somebody should visit Canada. 

Our Science project this term will focus on Earth and Space. With each session drawing back to where we fit in the universe. We will finish this unit with an exciting trip to the National Space Centre in Leicester.

Children will also be covering exciting topics in computing which will be creating media, drawing in Art and fruit and vegetables in Spanish. 

Class 5BW Remembrance Activities

Autumn 2:

In English, we will finish the text ‘The Jamie Drake Equation’ and find out it's exciting conclusion. From there, we will write our own story about an alien encounter! The children will be applying the writing features that we were learning in Autumn 1, into their own writing. Next, we move onto Non-Fiction. We will be reading the text 'Mythical Creatures'. This exciting book covers creatures like, vampires, dragons, mermaids and plenty more. The children will learn features of a non-fiction text and then create their own mythical creatures piece, in the same format and using the skills learned. 

In Maths, we will move onto multiplication. We will learn about prime numbers, square numbers and cubed numbers. Children will use place value knowledge to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. In addition, the children will then cover fractions. The children will build upon their knowledge from last year and order and compare fractions. They will convert mixed fractions into improper fractions and vice versa. They will learn about equivalent fractions and, finally, subtract and add fractions with the same denominators and different denominators. We will continue to use Times Table Rock Stars to promote learning times tables. A copy of the log in for this can be found in your child’s diary.

We continue to encourage your child to read at least three times a week, they should record this reading in their reading diaries which should be signed each week. In addition, the children will have four reading sessions a week. One session will focus on a specific VIPERS skill. The remaining 3 sessions will recap VIPERS and the children will be reading an extra quality text. This may be fiction, non-fiction or poetry. 

Each week we will learn a new spelling rule and five personalised spellings. These will be a mixture of Year 3/4 words and Year 5/6 words. To reinforce this learning at home, your child will record these spellings in their reading diaries.

This half term we shift to history. We aim to investigate the legacy of the Ancient Greeks and how they have impacted the world we live in today.

In Design and Technology the children will be creating pop-up story books for the Year 1 children and in computing, they will be developing their knowledge of coding on scratch and learning to add music and sounds.  

It is going to be a busy half term with lots of learning and fun!

Class 5HB Autumn 1 Learning

Autumn 1: 

In English, we will begin with the text ‘The Jamie Drake Equation’ to inspire writing in Year 5. The children will develop their narrative writing skills before creating their own narrative in the style of the author Christopher Edge.

In Maths, we begin with place value where children will be developing their understanding of numbers to one million. We will then move on to securing written methods for adding and subtracting numbers with more than 4-digits. We will continue to use Times Table Rock Stars to promote learning times tables. A copy of the log in for this can be found in your child’s diary.

We continue to encourage your child to read at least three times a week, they should record these reading in their reading diaries which should be signed each week. In addition, the children will have four reading sessions a week. One session will focus on a specific VIPERS skill. The remaining 3 sessions will recap VIPERS and experience a fiction, non-fiction and poetry text. 

Each week we will learn a new spelling rule and five personalized spellings. These will be a mixture of Year 3/4 words and 5/6. To reinforce this learning at home, your child will record these spellings in their reading diaries.  

Each half-term this year, the children will either study geography or history. Geography classes have commenced in Year 5. We started by asking ourselves, "If we don't take care of the world, who will?" The emphasis will be on the various issues facing the world today, how we can address them, and finally producing artwork in support of them as part of a peaceful protest to save the environment.

