Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Year 1


Welcome to Year 1


In our classes, there are regular adults who work with your children.

These adults are:

Miss Hedges - Class Teacher

Miss King - Class Teacher

Miss Elliott - TA

Mrs Palmer - Carer

Mrs Moore - Carer

Mrs Edwards - Apprentice

Planning, Preparation and Assessment cover - Mrs Harris - Higher Level Teaching Assistant


We are delighted to be working with your children and are looking forward to all of the wonderful things we will be learning together. The children are in for an exciting year in Year 1.

Please feel free to speak to any member of the Year 1 team if you have any questions or queries or contact us via the office. 


Keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey through year 1.

Our Trip To White Post Farm 

We all had a great time at White Post Farm meeting all the different animals and going on a tractor ride. The children loved the guinea-pigs Pepper and Betty. They met the dwarf rabbit Morty too. Some of the children fell in love with the goats especially the big friendly giant Ollie and his buddy Freddy. What a fabulous day we all had. 


The year 1 children learnt all about toys from the past today from our visitor Tom. He brought in toys from the past and talked about how children played over 1000 years ago! We looked at the timeline of toys and how the materials they were made from had changed. We then got to play with lots of toys from the past, some of them our grandparents would have played with when little and some our parents.


Our Trip to the Tropical Butterfly House


We had an amazing day on our trip and the children were fabulous. The photos speak for themselves but we really enjoyed our minibeast talk and many children were brave enough to hold a stick insect, a hissing cockroach and an African snail.  
