A warm welcome to Berry Hill Primary and Nursery School website. We hope that you find our site both interesting and informative.
Berry Hill is extremely proud of our pupils, supportive parents, inspirational staff and forward thinking governors - who are all collaborating to create a happy, secure, stable and caring environment in which children can develop to the full.
The aim of our website is to give you as much information as possible about our school, the staff and the many activities that our children enjoy through our curriculum and our extra-curricular activities. It is however just one part of our communication offering alongside Twitter (@BHPSMansfield), ClassDojo for parents of children currently attending and Tapestry for our Early Years pupils.
Our school ethos is built on a simple approach - inspiring our children to 'be kind', 'work hard' and 'be brave'. We want our pupils to 'listen more to their dreams and less to their fears'.
Mr Ben Trenowden