Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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Virtual Sports Week


Wednesday 17th June 2020

Virtual Sports Week 2020                      

Sports day is one of the great events in our school calendar and we couldn’t let a little thing like a global pandemic stop us celebrating together. However, we do have to be safe and responsible, so this year we are going online and creating a Virtual Sports Week.

Virtual Sports Week will be held on week commencing 6 July 2020.

We want to keep you active and safe, only using common household items. For every activity that you photograph/video yourself doing (and send to you will be awarded 5 points to your house. Don’t forget to mention which house you are in!

There is a list of activities that you can take part in and posters of instructions of what you need to do. You can see these on your class page on the school website and the Berry Hill Sports page (

There will be electronic certificates for everyone who participates – the more activities you send in the more points you will get for your house and the higher award you will receive. Even if you complete one activity, it will help your team so it is worth taking part.

Certificates will be -

Bronze = 1 challenge completed

Silver = 2 to 5 challenges completed

Gold = 6 or more challenges completed

If you can’t remember what house you are in please ask us and we can tell you.

We understand that things are not totally normal at present and it may be difficult to complete these in one day, therefore you have a whole week to try and complete this.

At the end of the week, the scores will be collated for Foundation/KS1 and KS2 and we will announce the results.  The winning house team for Foundation/KS1 and KS2 will be announced in a special video.

We look forward to seeing your photographs and videos of your participation!



Mr Wright

PE Co-ordinator
