School Uniform
It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school whether for on or off-site activities. We expect parents to provide their child with uniform and appropriate PE kit.
Uniform with logo is available to order from https://www.schoolwearsolutions.com/our-schools/berry-hill-primary-school/ or by visiting: The Schoolwear Centre, 69a West Gate, Mansfield, NG18 1RU
Tel: 01623 650782
Berry Hill Primary School uniform consists of:
Girls | Boys |
Alternative Summer Uniform
Please note: Y6 children need a white/blue cotton shirt and a tie (tie provided by school) |
Please note: Y6 children need a white/blue cotton shirt and a tie (tie provided by school) |
PE Kit
PE Kit replaces school uniform on PE days. The PE kit uniform is as follows:
The school expects children to wear black shoes fastened with velcro, laces or buckles. Trainers, if completely black are also acceptable as part of normal school uniform, as our children are physically active during the day. Open-toed footwear cannot be worn at all during school as these give no protection in the event of a stray foot or chair leg.
It is recommended that children wear a coat appropriate for the current season.
No Jewellery should be worn at school. Studs are the only acceptable form of piercing, and only one pair of studs should be worn. Children who have studs must be able to remove them by themselves for PE lessons.
Extreme hairstyles (i.e. dyed a non-natural hair colour or shaved into a pattern) are not allowed.