The Three Little Pigs 11.01.21
Project -Traditional Tales.
Text - 'The Three Little Pigs'
Literacy Activities to support 'The Three Little Pigs'
- Introduce the text - Look at front cover , discuss features ie title, illustration - characters & setting. From looking at the front cover, share ideas of what the text might be about.
- Explain that traditional stories are very old stories that were originally told rather than read.
- Explain that stories with the same title may differ yet have many similarities.
- Stories often begin with 'once upon a time and end with ' They lived happily ever after'.
- Stop periodically to discuss how the characters might be feeling and predict what might happen next.
- Encourage your child to join in with the retelling - using repetitive phrases.
- Sequence the events from the story (using sequence cards) and retell using story language and encourage different expression for the characters.
- Use props to retell the story.
- Develop role play - imagine you are the little pig or the big bad wolf.
- Make a list - draw/ begin to write, all the things you would put into your satchel if you were a little pig leaving home - eg toothbrush, tail straighteners, sandwiches etc
Maths Activities:
NOTE -In addition to the linked activities please see the 'Maths Folder' for other ideas.
- Use the counting worksheet to count and record characters
- Use language first, second, third
- Use positional language to describe where characters are, in font, behind, between, on, under, in ...
Creative Activities:
- Masks - paper plates
- Puppets
- Make houses of different materials
- Paint, draw, colour
- Make papier mashe pigs
- Create a story map to retell the story
- Take part in role play. Act out with family - take roll of different characters and using expression- maybe add instruments to support your story, eg tap wooden spoons together for that patter of the little pigs feet as they run away...
- Use a shoe box to make a little pigs house
- Build houses from different materials
- Print & colour cards to sequence events in the story
- Make split pin characters
In addition:
Phonics & Handwriting Activities and ways to support at home can be found by clicking on and browsing the 'Handwriting' and 'Phonics' folders.