Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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The Runaway Pancake 08.02.21

Project -Traditional Tales 

Text - 'The Runaway Pancake' 

Literacy Activities to support 'The Runaway Pancake :

  • Listen to the story
  • Discuss the characters
  • Talk about the beginning, middle and end of the story
  • Retell the story using sequencing cards, puppets or create a story map to show the events in the story ( maybe, use the back of strip of wallpaper) add scenery and characters eg make a house for the family from a box or build from lego. Use the stick puppets (in resources) to add characters. 
  • Model writing labels and attach to the characters -  Encourage your child hear and recognise the initial sounds eg p - pig, r - rabbit ...
  • Develop pencil control through colouring, drawing, forming and tracing over letters.
  • Adapt, create and retell your own version of the story.  Maybe you could change the characters or ending to the story ?
  • Set up a pancake cafe for your teddies- Encourage reasons for writing / mark making as you take orders and make menus etc 
  • Listen to and discuss the story of 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes'. 


Maths Activities:

  • Make pancakes or play dough pancakes.  Develop knowledge of number and amount by counting cups of flour etc.  Look for numbers on the scales, the dial on the oven, clock.  Develop knowledge of capacity using, ladles, measuring jugs...
  • Have a pancake tossing competition.  Use a play dough pancake and frying pan, set a timer. How many times can you toss the pancake in 1 minute?
  • Make a pancake - talk about whole, half, quarters.
  • Make pancakes for your teddies.  Count the pancakes, count the toppings eg how many raisins, slices of banana.  Maybe you could use eg buttons, beads or colour and cut strawberries etc to add to your play dough pancakes.
  • Make a pancake cafe for your teddies and use money to pay for pancakes
  • Take the teddy bear's orders - keep tally chart or write number of bears wanting eg sugar, syrup etc 
  • Use mathematical language first, second, third etc to order the characters following the pancake. 
  • Use positional language: Who is in front of or behind specific characters?  
  • Make 5 crispy pancakes - follow the song - in resources 


Craft Activities:

  • Design your own pancake - cutting and sticking
  • Make play dough pancakes - add accessories such as googly eyes & hair, legs to give character to your pancake.
  • Create, tell and act out your own pancake story
  • Make puppets to retell the story
  • Develop cutting skills - designing your pancake

In addition:

Phonics & Handwriting Activities and ways to support at home can be found by clicking on and browsing the 'Handwriting' and 'Phonics' folders.
