Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Summer 1

Summer Term 1

Welcome to the Summer Term 

Throughout this half term children continue to take part in child initiated activities and small adult led group sessions. 

Nursery Children are supported in following the 'Golden Rules' and our 'Take care' ethos which are displayed and promoted across school. 

'Golden Rules'

I am kind.

I look after the environment.

I follow our Listening Rules.

I try my best.

Summer 1 - Topic 'Journeys' 

Within the topic children engage with a range of fiction and non fiction texts. 

Children become familiar with parts of the book.  Initially children are encouraged to discuss the front cover. We wonder aloud and children share their thoughts. eg I wonder who the characters might be? I wonder where the setting of the story is? I wonder what season it could be.  I wonder what the characters could be doing?

The children locate the title and become familiar with the terms 'author' and 'illustrator'. The book is then shared , during which children understand that fictional texts are read from front to back and the text from left to right. 

As children hear the story they are encouraged to look out for our 'key words' linked to the text and join in with repetitive phrases. 

Children are supported in sequencing the events, knowing, discussing and contrasting events and feelings of the characters at the beginning. middle, and end of each story.

Each focus text is enriched with opportunities foracting out, retelling through puppet shows and sequencing pictures. 

Focus Texts to support our topic include:

  • We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
  • The Train Ride
  • Handa's Surprise
  • Driving My Tractor
  • Up! Up! Up! Up in my Balloon 



  • PTFA Magic Show (Wed 18th May, after school)

 Please click on the letters icon to re visit the letter sent home from nursery.

  • Platinum Jubilee (Friday 27th May)

Please click on the letters icon to re visit the letter sent home from nursery.

Children learn about the Royal Family and contrast facts with fictional stories about Queens, Kings, Princes & Princesses including 'Cinderella'.

The day will include:

  • Themed activities.
  • A visit from 'The Queen' and 'Royal Photographer'.
  • A 'Street Party' lunch.

