Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Summer 1

In the first half of the Summer term, from April to June, we will be reading the following stories and learning about the following things:


Week 1 and 2 The very hungry Caterpillar: We will be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We will look after our very own caterpillars and watch them grow and turn into butterflies, before releasing them into our garden! We will also be making our own garden centre in our classroom with flowers and seeds to sell.


Week 3 and 4: On the way home - Local journeys and maps. We will learn how to follow a map and simple clues around our school to find some treasure! We will talk about how we get to school in the mornings and the journeys we take. In Forest schools we will be looking at the trees in our garden. We will do tree rubbings, look at buds and leaves and talk about how we need to look after the trees. We might even climb them!


Week 5 and 6: Handas Surprise - We will be learning about journeys further away and talking about holidays. We will talk about countries around the world, especially Africa and think about how we might get there. We will learn about some similarities and differences between Africa and where we live and what clothing we would need in hot and cold countries. 

Den building and climbing trees

Planting seeds
