Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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Spring 2

In the second half of the Spring term, from March to May, we will be reading the following stories and learning about the following things lined to Space:


Week 1 and 2: Whatever Next - We will be learning about healthy and unhealthy choices when making a list of foods we would take on our trip to the moon. We will also be creating rockets to fly to then moon and sending postcards from the moon to our family and friends.


Week 3 and 4: How to Catch a star - We will be exploring different methods for catching a star and thinking of our instructions for catching a star. 


Week 5 and Week 6: The Race to Space - We will be learning about the moon landing and how we can travel up to space. We will design and make our own transport to travel into space. we will also learn about life in space and write questions to ask an astronaut about their job and space.
