Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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In class in year 4, we will teach the children common spelling rules from the curriculum as appropriate to develop their confidence and fluency in writing. By the end of year 4 there is an expectation that most children will be able to spell all of the common exception words on the year 1, 2, 3 and 4 lists. Each week, we will send no more than 6 spellings, taken from this list, home with the children to learn. You will find these words stuck into their reading journals and we really appreciate your anticipated support with this. It is important that the children embed and apply these spellings correctly to their writing and do not just learn them for a test. Therefore, we will be looking that these words are spelt correctly consistently in their writing over time rather than testing them weekly as we have done previously. 