Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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The SATs examinations take place at the start of the Summer term of Year Six. The dates for the papers are set centrally by the government and cannot be changed. The Key Stage 2 tests are timetabled from Tuesday 9th May to Friday12th May 2023. School will be closed on Monday 8th May for the bank holiday.


The KS2 SATs examinations are based on learning from across KS2 (Year 3-6), so your child will revisit topics that they covered in previous year groups to embed them, as well as learn skills that are only part of the Year 6 curriculum. The SATs will test learning areas from across the Key Stage


Which subjects do the SATs cover?

There are 5 SATs papers that the children sit. Here is a bit more information:

  • Reading - this paper is 60 minutes long. The chidren have to read three texts (which can be a mixture of fiction, non-fiction and poetry) and answer questions based on what they've read.
  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - this is split into two parts: a question paper that is 45 minutes long and a spelling test. The question paper consists of 50 questions (each worth one mark) which test the range of punctuation and grammar taught at KS2. The spelling paper consists of 20 sentences with a word missing in each. The sentences are read for the children and they have to fill in the missing word, spelling it correctly.
  • Maths - there are three Maths papers. Paper 1 is arithmetic, lasts 30 minutes, and tests the children's ability to answer a range of calculations. Paper 2 and 3 (40 minutes each) are problem solving and reasoning tests. These papers require the children to apply their mathematical understanding to solve problems and explain their thinking.