Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff 04.01.21

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Enjoy the text and supporting activities.

In addition there are maths, handwriting and phonics activities in the folders on the class page.


Read the book or listen to the story by clicking on the video link below

Activities linked to the story: 

Literacy Activities:

  • Discuss the story

Who are the characters?

What is the setting?

How did the story begin and how did it end?

Discuss how the characters might be feeling at different stages in the story

  • Sequence the pictures to retell the story
  • Describe the Troll using descriptive vocabulary.


Creative Activities:

  • Design & make your own troll.  Maybe you could draw, paint, collage...
  • Think about your troll's character.  Is it friendly or mean?  What does it wear? What does it eat? Where does it live? Does it have a family?
  • Use clay or dough to make a 3D troll.
  • Draw and colour pictures from the story.
  • Make puppets or masks and act out part of the story
  • Use instruments, or find household objects to create sounds, to complement your retelling of the story eg wooden spoons & pans, saucepan lids for symbols etc  


Maths Activities:

  • Talk about the size of the Billy Goats using comparative language eg tallest, taller, shortest & shorter.
  • Use 3D bricks eg wooden bricks, duplo or lego to make bridges - add characters to the bridge.
  • Use positional language to describe the position of the characters, on, behind, in front, between, 1st, 2nd, 3rd ...


Science Activities:

  • Make a raft for the goats to sail across the water.  What materials would you use? Explore different materials eg plastic trays, cardboard, metal, wood etc Which materials are the best & why?

