Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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Project 'Special Days' Birthdays 23.11.20


Sonny's Birthday Prize -Lisa Stubbs

Spots Birthday Party -Eric Hill

Worried Arthur The Birthday Party - Joan Stimson 

Harry & the Dinosaurs have a Happy Birthday - Ian Whybrow

Activities to Support Birthdays

  • Find out when your birthday is.
  • Have a birthday party for eg your Teddy
  • Design & Make: badges, party hats cards, dough cakes, birthday banners, measure, cut wrap to cover gifts.


  • See ideas in Maths Folder
  • Count candles for cakes and match to the numeral
  • Using just two colours of candles - how many different ways of representing eg number 5 can you find ?
  • Find 3D shapes to wrap - name the shape - estimate & measure the amount of gift wrap for different sized parcels


See activities for Tuning into Sounds and developing phonic awareness in the Phonics Folder.



  • See PowerPoint for accurate formation of letters.
  • Develop a comfortable pencil grip through many opportunities to use crayons, pencils, felt pens for a range of purposes.
  • Practise tracing over patterns and letters
  • Practise writing your name.


Creative Activities

  • Paint/ collage a birthday cake - practise using scissors
  • Paint, print balloon shaped paper - Can you mix new colours?
  • Design & make Birthday Bunting - thread together - practise using a hole punch.
  • Make party food eg Jelly, choc crispy cakes - find out choc & jelly change from solid to liquid
  • Bake birthday biscuits - weigh measure & discuss hygiene, ingredients and textures.