Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Our wider curriculum is split into three headings: explorecreate and discoverExplore takes a deeper look at Geography, create is an arts based project and discover has a focus on History. See below for project resources including our Project Place Mats, which can be used to support with homework and home learning.

How do communities evolve?

In our recent virtual visit with marine biologist and STEM ambassador, Auriela the children considered if the Arctic and Antarctic could be the best place on Earth.

We have had some fantastic virtual visits from STEM ambassadors who have helped us in our pursuit to answer our big explore project question, ' Where is the best place on Earth?'

With thanks to: 

Andrew Jenkins

Penelope Lancaster - Geoscientist - a scientist who studies the Earth 

Susan Leadbetter - Atmospheric Dispersion Scientist - MET office

We have already started to receive some fantastic Explore project homework, displayed in the gallery below. Well done and keep them coming...

We have examined how the shape, size and position of different countries appears on different maps. To really understand this the children peeled an orange to see the effects of turning something spherical into a flat shape. Look at our results.
