Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Our wider curriculum is split into three headings. Create, Discover and Explore. Create is an arts based project, Discover has a focus on history and Explore takes a deeper look at geography. 

Click on the links below to see our Project Place Mats which we use in school with our pupils and you can use at home with them too.


Summer Term - Create project

Will it always be possible to invent something new?


This term, the children will be focussing on our CREATE project which has more of an Art and Design & Technology theme. The children will be looking at old devices and technology. They will use this to design ideas of their own for the next Amazon Alexa or apple i-phone. 


We will also look at art patterns, different artists and marketing brands. Eventually, children will create their own "company" to market, make and sell pizza! YUMMY!


Our project will also link to Science learning on gears, pulleys and levers. It promises to be an exciting, hands-on and creative term.

CREATE Project placemat

Should Everyone In Society Have An Equal Voice?


During Autumn term, children have been asked the Big Question; 'Should Everyone In Society Have An Equal Voice?' 

Children have discussed terms such as equality and fairness. Year 5 are learning about the Ancient Greeks during this project. The Ancient Greeks introduced Democracy, however women, slaves and foreigners weren't allowed to vote in any decision making. We'll discuss what democracy is, how it works today and whether we feel the Greeks did have a democracy or not.


As well as this, the children will learn about Greek theatre, myths and legends. We will learn to be Historians by asking questions and looking at artefacts and replicas. We will study time lines and use Geography skills to determine exactly where Greece is. We will learn about Greek Gods and Goddesses, and also read the book 'Who Let the Gods out?' (It's really funny)


In Autumn Term 2, Year 5 will learn all about the Ancient Greek Olympics, comparing the games then to the modern Olympics. We will also learn about the Spartan army and Greek fashion. 


Finally, children will be asked to show off their History skills by researching information and artefacts on a certain aspect of Greek History. Will they be able to put their new learnt skills to practice independently?


We hope you enjoy the pictures we post, the Project Placemat created and all the learning we do in class. We look forward to seeing your CREATIVE HOMELEARNING too!

Discover Project 

'Should everyone in society have an equal voice?'
Autumn 1
Class 13
Class 12
Drama - Theseus and the Minotaur Class 12/13