Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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PE Information

Summer 2 Term

Year 4's PE for the Summer 2 Term will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please come to school in your school PE kits on these days. 

Year 4 PE is on Wednesdays for both classes.


Summer term 1

Class 11 have one final swimming session on Thursday 21st April.


From Monday 25th April, both classes will also have P.E on a Monday.


P.E days will be Monday and Wednesday.


Please tie long hair back and remove any jewellery for all PE sessions including swimming.


PE Kits - Please ensure children come to school wearing their PE kits on the correct days.

White or blue t-shirt, black joggers/shorts, navy jumper/jacket and trainers/pumps.


