PE, Forest Friday and Outdoor Learning
We have PE on Friday morning. Children will need to come to school dressed in their PE clothes. We will be outside for PE as much as possible, even in Winter, so children will need a warm t shirt, warm tracksuit bottoms, a warm jumper and trainers. Children will stay in their PE kit all day.
Forest Friday
On Friday afternoon we will have our Forest Friday lesson. We will be outside as much as possible, even in Winter, so please provide children with a warm and waterproof coat and a pair of wellington boots. As we will be outside, children may get dirty so please ensure that all clothes are washable.
Outdoor Learning
We have access to our outdoor environment every day, which includes our nature and wild area, our mud kitchen and our sand and water play. Whilst we provide children with aprons and waterproof coats to go over the top of their existing coat, they may still get muddy or wet from time to time. We also have a few pairs of school wellington boots but we would recommend providing your own pair for use every day so that children can access all of our areas of provision. We do not have enough wellington boots for everyone and children without wellington boats and warm coats will, unfortunately, not be able to access certain areas of our outdoor learning environment. Children can bring Wellington boots on Monday and take them home on Friday, if needed, for use over the weekend.