Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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On Tuesday the 14th January 2020 8 children from year 1 competed in the Multi-Skills event at West Notts college. Whilst travelling on the bus all the children were really excited. When we arrived, some children were really nervous and others were really energetic, pumped up and ready to start. For our warm up we did cha cha slide twice because all the children loved it so much.

The first activity for Berry Hill Primary was jumping stones. For this activity you have to hop to the orange cone, run round it and do three speed bounces.

The next activity was touch ball. You have to throw the football into the net and then when it bounces back try and catch it. Tyler did really well because he caught it twice

The next activity was ladder hop. The aim of the game is you have to hop along the ladder on your strongest foot then run around the cones in a zig zag motion. Jesse did really well on this station.

The bean bag throw was the next activity.

You have to throw 2 bean bags into a base

Green=10 points Red=10 points

Yellow=20 points Blue=20 points

The cricket wicket was station 5

Participants take it in turns to try and hit the cricket wicket. For every ball that hits the blue wicket you get 1 point.

Tennis slalom was station 6.

You start down at one end and the first person will put the ball on the racket and go in and out of the cones and then put the racket and ball in the hoop. The next person will go in and out of the cones like the other person get the racket and ball and run back to the line.

Station seven for Berry Hill was bean bag run.

The aim of the game is you run so that the hoops are on the right hand side, follow the hoops down and run back to the start. People will pick up a bean bag and place the bean bag into a hoop so there is an equal amount of bean bags in each hoop. You get one point per bean bag.

Transferring same colour balls to the matching hoops was station 8

Take turns to get a ball and co-ordinate it to the same colour hoop.

Station 9 football target

You have to start on the line and kick the ball through the cones. If it goes through the cones you get one point but if it touches the purple cone you get five points.

Traffic light target-station 10

You get to throw three bean bags. After they have had there go the other person goes. Don’t forget to collect the bean bags!

One=1 point

Yellow=2 points

Green=3 points

Berry Hill Primary school got 1346 points!

We couldn’t of done this without the Berry Hill staff and the event organisers! Thank you

Reporter Bonnie

KS2 Multiskills - Tuesday 26th November

On Tuesday 26th November Berry Hill Primary School attended a Multi Skills event at West Notts College.

Children from years 3, 5 and 6 entered the competition.  Children from other schools also attended. 


Some of the activities included the one legged jump, Kangaroo hop and racket balance which involved having to balance a tennis ball on a racket whilst going through an obstacle course,  there were 12 activities in total.


The activities lasted around 2 hours. Berry Hill did really well in all the rounds and at the end of the event we had a total of 1852 points which 

made us the winners. 

Children involved were Liam, Jayden, Ryan, Dominic, Joshua, Jack, Brooklyn and Olivia.



Reporter  Bonnie 

KS1 Multiskills Event – Tuesday 24th April 2018


Thank you to 10 of our KS1 children who have worked hard during their PE sessions and were chosen to take part in a multiskills event at West Notts College. It was organised and run by our Mansfield Primary School Sports Partnership and the sports students from the college.


The children had a great time carrying out a variety of sporting activities, although they did get tired from all of their hard work! Mr Jenkins and Mrs Kendall also had fun joining in with the parachute games!


The children were lots of fun to spend the afternoon with and a credit to Berry Hill. They were pleased with their certificates and medals which were very much deserved! Well done everyone!

F2 Multiskills Event – Tuesday 27th March 2018


What a lovely afternoon 10 of our Foundation 2 children have had! The children went to take part in a multiskills event at West Notts College. It was organised and run by our Mansfield Primary School Sports Partnership and the sports students from the college. They did a brilliant job of leading the children around their activities.


All of our children spent the afternoon with big smiles on their faces as they tried lots of fun sports activities and they even enjoyed a warm-up dance to ‘I am the music man’ which Mrs Snowden and Mrs Kendall really enjoyed too!


The children were a pleasure to spend the afternoon with and a credit to Berry Hill. They were so pleased with their certificates and medals which were very much deserved! Well done everyone!

