Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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The Wonderdome

The mobile planetarium came to school and the Foundation children saw our solar system projected onto the dome. We looked closely at the moon and the sun. We saw how each planet is a sphere and learned about the size of each planet. Jupiter is the biggest and Mercury is the smallest.


We made space helmets and blasted into space with the crew of the discovery. We ate space fruit and ice cream which had been freeze dried. We made moon buggies for the astronauts and aliens out of lego. We designed and made rockets out of bottles. We have loved playing in the space centre and making big box models. We learned about the eight planets, the moon and the sun in our solar system. 

Mini Kicks with Coach Ricky

The children have learnt lots of new football skills through fun games and activities.

Minibeast Hunting with the RSPB Team

The RSPB (Royal Society for Protection of Birds) came into school to talk about minibeasts and they showed us how to hunt for them. We found woodlice, ladybirds, earwigs, centepeeds, beetles, millipeeds, spiders, slugs, snails and ants. The children have enjoyed using the hunting skills they learnt independently too.

The Eggs Hatch into Chick in Foundation 

The children have been very excited about the eggs arriving in foundation. We waited and waited and on day three they started to hatch into chicks. We had nine chicks by day 4. We looked after them by cleaning them everyday, feeding them chick feed and lettuce and making sure they had fresh water. The chicks grew very quickly. Daisy's family took five of the chicks and we have seen photos of how big they have grown. T

Foundation 2 Class Trip to the Tropical Butterfly House in Anston.  

All the children had a wonderful time on the trip making the dinosaurs roar, looking at the animals, holding mini-beasts and walking through the butterfly house. Some children were even brave enough to hold the stick insect! We had a fabulous time but beware of pressing the buttons and the skunk if you go!
