Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Forest School in Year 1 Begins

We revisit our 5 forest school rules and link them to or new School Values using the 5 point star.

Good Listening

Be Kind

Work Hard, Be Curious

Be Brave, Be Safe

Have Fun

The children had great fun playing the wolf and badger game in their first session. The children were the lost wolves and the badger had to come find them. This was Mrs B to start and then the children took on the finding roll. They found some fabulous hiding places and showed great listening skills when called to return.  

The children then enjoyed the mud kitchen, digging, climbing, bug hunting, den play and much more. Some children even found some treasures left by the fairies! 

The children have been looking at the different trees and the seeds they are producing this week. We looked at the sycamore tree with it's helicopters, the oak tree with it's acorns and the horse chestnut tree with its prickly covered seeds.

We also talked about the fungi that we might find in England and the pleated ink cap mushroom that appeared over the week. Some of the children made pleated caps and fans by folding paper. 

We have been making feelings faces linked to Mental Health Week and the children thought of the emotions sad, happy, confused, angry, excited, scared and surprised.

They were making cakes, pancakes and pies in the mud kitchen too. In 1KS some boys made a super den with a fire that they toasted marshmallows on. 

