Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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The EYFS Curriculum


In the Nursery (F1) we follow the EYFS 2020 Development Matters curriculum. We are taking part in the early trial scheme offered by the Government, so are no longer using the 2012 EYFS Development Matters curriculum. The 2020 curriculum will become compulsory for all schools and Nursery settings from September 2021.


 We focus on 7 different areas of learning; 3 prime and 4 specific. The areas of learning are:


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design


All areas of learning are taught all the time and the children will have access to activities relating to each of these on a daily basis. The children will also do group lessons led by an adult, relating to all 7 of the areas of learning. We teach using a mixture of adult led whole class lessons, adult led group lessons, adult led activities and child initiated free choice activities. 

The curriculum is divided into stages; Birth to 3, 3-4 year olds (this is mainly what Nursery focus on although we often dip back into the Birth to 3 statements to ensure that knowledge and skills are secure, especially when children have only just turned 3), children in Reception and finally the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Reception year. The children may begin to encounter a little of the Reception content as they come towards the end of their Nursery year, if they are secure with the 3-4 year old content. 


The links to the statements for the Birth to Reception stages can be found here


It is a long document but it is worth familiarising yourself with the statements so you understand what children at each stage of development are expected to be able to do.
