Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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Project 'Special Days' Elmer 16.11.20

Text - Elmer David McKee

The following activities are linked to this week's learning.


See folder for Phonics & Handwriting - try activities

  • Tuning into sounds
  • If confident begin to recognise phonemes - see set 1PowerPoint
  • Practise writing your name - refer to letter formation PowerPoint. 

Elephant Facts - Discuss the differences in Fiction & Non fiction Texts

Can you find out facts about Elephants?

  • Where in the world do they live?
  • What do they eat?
  • What do they use their trunk for?
  • What is a baby elephant called?


Craft Activities

  • Colour mixing - Explore mixing paints to create new colours.
  • Design & paint your own elephant


Please see activities in the Maths folder
