Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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How do we understand the past?


Our Discover project this term will cover the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings, from when the Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain, through the struggles with the Vikings for control of Britain, culminating in the Norman victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The children will develop their analytical skills through looking at sources and inferring what artefacts and other historical evidence can tell us about earlier civilisations. We will compare and contrast life as an Anglo-Saxon to life as a Viking, and create a piece of work at the end of the unit to demonstrate their learning. 

Viking Visitor

We were incredibly lucky to have Erik the Viking visit us at Berry Hill! The children joined in with a fun-filled day of learning about the Vikings. Here are some photos from the day:

We learnt about how England changed over the time the Vikings were here and why the throne was unsettled and uncertain towards the middle of the 11th Century. The children researched each of the candidates who claimed he should be king and presented speeches explaining why they should be king over the others. 

At the end of our project, the children spent time creating a presentation piece about the Vikings. They demonstrated their understanding of the topic and thought carefully about how we understand the past (our big question) to help them to decide if the Vikings deserved their reputation or not. The children drew on their learning as well as a range of sources to answer the question - and their final pieces are excellent!
