Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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Autumn Term


During the Autumn term, Year Six focused on a history-based Discover project. Throughout the term we explored our big question: Is knowledge greater than power? 

The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings formed the backbone of our learning and the source of much of our sticky knowledge, but we also explored our question through other curriculum areas, such as Science and the role of knowledge and power in the life of instrumental scientists like palaeontologist Mary Anning. We discovered how earlier civilisations survived and thrived, and learnt about the Anglo-Saxon and Viking struggle for Britain.


As part of our project, we discovered how the Vikings lived, how they travelled – and how they earned their formidable reputation. We debated whether or not their violent reputation was deserved, how our perception of history can be influenced by the sources we read, and why accounts of an event can differ wildly depending on the perspective of the author.


We visited the Jorvik Viking Centre to learn more about the Vikings, and Dig: An Archaeological Adventure, where we discovered how archaeologists use objects that they find to tell us about the past.

Here are some of our project boards that we created at the end of our topic:
