Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Summer 1 2022

Year 5's Athletics Club sessions will run every Tuesday during Summer 1 2022 for all year 5 children and will finish at 4.30pm.

Children to be collected from the main reception area please. 

Come along, have fun and learn some new athletics skills! 

Spring 1 2022

Class 12's MultisportClub session will run every Tuesday during Spring 1 2022 and will finish at 4.30pm. Children to be collected from the main reception area please.

Come along, have fun and learn some new sporting skills! 

Autumn 2 2021

Class 13's MultisportClub session will run every Tuesday during Autumn 2 2021 and will finish at 4.30pm. Children to be collected from the main reception area please. 

Come along, have fun and learn some new sporting skills! 
