Class 8 & 9
Welcome to Class 8 and 9
Year 3
Class 8 - Miss McIntyre
Class 9 - Mrs Tranter
TA- Mrs Colley
The Year 3 children have made a great start back at school. We are looking forward to learning lots of great things together. Keep checking out class page for updates as well as our twitter account for regular updates on the Year 3's learning journey.
You can find out more information about what we will be learning this term by clicking on the project icon above.
Summer Term
Discover Project
How does the past influence our present?
This term year 3 will learn about chronology in order to understand how long ago the Roman period was. They will learn about being a historian and the role of archaeologists to help us to find out about this period in history. They will also be finding out about the impact the Roman Empire had on Britain and learn about how some of the things we have in our lives today were influenced by the Romans.
When were the Romans in Britain?
Year 3 have been introduced to their big question for their discover project- How does our past influence our present? They were given clues about the period in history that they would be studying and became detectives to discuss what the clues might be linked to. They looked at their project placemats to gain some sticky knowledge and learn some key vocabulary. Finally they began to learn about chronology and what BC and AD mean and created a timeline to understand when the Roman's were in Britain.
Spring Term
Create Project
What makes great art?
Over this term, Year 3 have explored the big question 'What makes great art?'. They have observed and given opinions about a range of art such as paintings, drawings, sculptures and architecture. They have also learned about well known artists, sculptors and architects. They have developed a range of artistic techniques when drawing and painting and have made their own sculptures.
How do our beliefs impact our daily lives?
Children learned about the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib and learned about the importance of the Mool Mantar. They learned about each of the 5K's and what they symbolise. They also began to think about their own beliefs, the impact they have on their own lives and used this to create a poster showing their own golden rules.
RE day

Science Week
As part of Science Children have been thinking about innovation and have designed their own bridges using a range of resources. The children worked together as a team to design and build their bridge and then tested whether a car would be able to drive across it.
Maths is fun!
The children loved it when we told them that we wouldn't be recording their works in books for our work on perimeter. The children had great fun drawing on tables whilst practicing their maths skills- drawing shapes, measuring the length of each side and then calculating perimeter. They also did some brilliant problem solving when they were tasked to draw shapes with a given perimeter.
Calculating perimeter

Which surface creates the most friction?
The children enjoyed becoming scientists and investigating the effect different surfaces have on friction.
Investigating friction
Book donations
The children were super excited to receive their book donations from the PTFA wish list @wonder_bookshop. Book donations can still be made by following the link
Thank you!
Where in the world?
Children enjoyed using a world map to locate where some famous buildings are located.
Applying their geography skills while learning about great architecture.
Super sculptures
Children enjoyed learning about the sculptor Antony Gormley. They used tangram pieces to make a shape that replicated the human form and got creative with pipe cleaners to create their own mannequins.
Sculpting the human form

Draw what you see!
The children loved learning about Hirameki, the Japanese art of drawing what you see. Such brilliant imaginations, turning blobs of watercolour paint into some brilliant pictures.

Autumn Term
Explore Project
What makes Britain Great?
Over the Autumn term, we will be focusing on our explore project which will develop the children's skills as Geographer's. Our project develops the children's understanding of the United Kingdom including countries, cities, counties, rivers, seas and mountains. We'll also be learning about the water cycle. You'll find our project placemat by clicking on the project icon above. This can be used by you to support your children with this project at home.
Year 3 have been very busy this term in Explore learning about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. They understand the difference between physical and human features and can name some examples of physical and human features in the UK such as Mount Snowdon and The Tower of London. We have been learning to use an atlas to name and locate cities in the UK and have gained an understanding of what a county is. They have begun to learn about how a compass can help us to give directions and enjoyed getting the opportunity to practise using a compass outside.
In science we have learned about rocks. The children have observed a range of different rock types and have been able to identify their names based on their properties. The children enjoyed learning about metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks and had great funs using starburst sweets to recreate the process.
As part of anti-bullying week, the children made their anti-bullying pledge and identified five people who they would go to if they had a worry or concern about bullying.