Class 8 & 9
Hello! Welcome to Class 8 & 9!
Find out what we're learning about this term by clicking on our Projects icon
Welcome to classes 8 & 9
Year 3
Class 8 - Miss McIntyre
Class 9 - Miss Senior
Teaching Assistant - Mr Jenkins
Year 3 is the start of an exciting journey in key stage 2. We have an exciting year ahead and we can not wait to share all of the amazing things we do. Keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter account to see day-to-day activities
Welcome to Year 3 Meeting
PE Information
Our PE days are Monday (outdoor) and Tuesday (indoor).
Please tie long hair back and remove any jewellery.
We advise that PE kits are brought into school at the start of each term and then sent home on the last day of half term to be washed.
PE kits should include an indoor kit and an outdoor kit.
Indoor: white or blue t-shirt, black shorts and pumps.
Outdoor: White or blue t-shirt, joggers, jumper/jacket and trainers.
Spring Term
Create Project
Over this term, Year 3 will be exploring the art world. They will be delving into their create project, ‘What makes art great?’ by researching a variety of different types of art. From this they will be establishing their own opinion on art. They are already started to research famous and some less known artists from around the world. The children will be recreating some artwork to create their own gallery to showcase. We can not wait to see all the artwork they produce in class and with Mrs Maker.

Light Painting by Class 9
Architect Visitor
Year 3 gave Laura Alvarez a warm welcome on the 12th February. Laura came into school to talk to the children about the wonderful world of bridges. The children travelled back in time to look at how bridges have changed over many years. Everyone was amazed at how long some of the bridges have lasted. They started to look at the different structures and how they do different jobs. This inspired the children to become architects themselves. In small groups, the children created their own bridges using a variety of materials.
Year 3 were very lucky to have another architect visit to talk about his own experiences. Andrew Jenkins told the children about his time in Laos. He taught the children how to say hello and goodbye before explaining to them that when he was in Laos they did not have many roads. The children discussed how this could be problematic. Mr Jenkins continued to tell the children about making the roads. However, they came across another problem, a river! He explained that they had lots of smaller bridges spread out. As an engineer, Mr Jenkins knew that they could put these bridges together to create one larger bridge that would be strong enough to get vehicles across and would survive the monsoon seasons. Mr Jenkins explained to all year 3 that the shape of the bridge makes it stronger.
The children predicted what shape would be the strongest. In small groups, the children decided whether they would make a square, circle or triangle bridge. The children made a model version of a bridge. All the bridges got tested by balancing apples on them. The bridges that held the most apples, went through the ultimate challenge. The strongest bridges had to hold a pineapple and apples! Well done to those children who made a successful bridge.
Harley Gallery Visit
What a fantastic day! The year 3 children got the opportunity to visit the Harley Gallery to help support our create project. The children got to experience a clay workshop where they looked at clay sculptures. They looked carefully at the shapes and thought about what sculptures they would like to create.
They started to design their own sculpture by sketching out their ideas. They thought carefully about the shapes and texture. They tried to include as much detail in their designs but ensuring their ideas were realistic still.
Once the children were happy with their designs, they watched a demonstration on how to make 3D shapes. They were surprised that their shapes had to have air in the middle to ensure the clay doesn’t explode in the kiln. The children were eager to get started. They followed their designs carefully by using a variety of clay tools. We are looking forward to showing everyone the finished products when we do our Pop Task.
Watch this space!
In addition to the clay workshop, the children got to explore the exhibitions. They loved exploring the Brick by Brick exhibition. They went on a search for certain pieces of artwork. From paintings to sculptures, the children examined every piece.
The children were fascinated in the Portland collection. They looked at the portraits and compared them to work from Thomas Gainsborough. They found ancient Roman gems to the pearl earring that Charles I wore at his beheading to a drawing by Michelangelo. These works tell a story about England and the way people, places, tastes and society have changed over the centuries. The children could not believe that the gallery got robbed two years ago and that the thief stole a precious tiara. See the BBC report below.
Autumn Term
Explore Project
Over the Autumn term we will be focussing on our explore project, 'What makes the United Kingdom unique?' We will be looking at the countries that make up the UK and the cities within each country. As our project takes off, the children will take charge and research a country further. They will use their cross-curricular skills to create a portfolio to present to their peers. The research will aid the children to know more about famous landmarks, cultures and traditions. We are looking forward to seeing all of their finished work.
What makes the United Kingdom unique?
Classes 8 and 9 had Philip from Severn Trent visit them on 18.09.19. They were all fascinated by how much water is needed in order for different animals to survive. They listened carefully to how much water is needed in order to make our everyday objects.
During the workshop, all of the children learned about the water cycle and how water is cleaned so it can go back into rivers safely.

What Makes the United Kingdom Unique?
As part of our Explore Project, the children had to solve a jigsaw puzzle to discover where in the world they would be exploring. They were delighted when they realised it was the UK!
United Kingdom Jigsaw puzzle

Science Rocks!
Classes 8 and 9 have been fascinated by our Rocks topic so far. They used their observational skills to examine the features of different types of rocks. They then used their observations to classify each rock. After learning that there are three types of rocks, both classes dived deeper to find out how each rock type is formed.
Possibilities Week
What a week! All the children in school enjoyed meeting lots of professionals. Classes 8 and 9 have been inspired by lots of people this week, and they have started to think some of the possible jobs available to them.
Severn Trent Water Workshop
Year 3 were very lucky to have Severn Trent visit again. This time, the children got to experience a variety of activities.
The children went on a digibus: This vehicle provided an immersive digital experience. They popped on some virtual reality glasses and entered a world where they could track a raindrop from the sky, through the water treatment process, to the home, back through the sewers and the waste treatment process to the river. They also were able to play in a virtual Severn Trent world that they’ve created in Minecraft and earn points for demonstrating the correct water and waste water behaviour.
The children went on an Experibus: They stepped into the role of a water worker! They could imagine themselves as a scientist, an engineer, a call centre operative and much more to learn what it’s like to work in the water industry.
In the hall, the children were able to play games like ‘flush it or bin it’, ‘leakage twister’ and ‘pipe buzzer’ to learn why we need to value water as a precious resource.
All of year 3 thoroughly enjoyed the workshop, and they were very grateful for their goodie bags.