Class 6 & 7
UPDATE 20.04.20
Home Learning Pack Year 2
Year 2 Letter
Hello! Welcome to Class 6 & 7!
Year 2!
Class 6 – Miss Matthews and Miss Hedges
Class 7 - Mrs Price
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Smith
The children have started their journey into Year 2 well and are very excited about all the amazing things we have planned. Keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey through Year 2.
Find out what we're learning about this term by clicking on our Project icon
Click below to view the year 2 presentation. Please talk to the class teachers for any further information.
Year 2 PE days are Tuesday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor).
Please tie long hair back and remove any jewellery.
We advise that PE kits are brought into school at the start of each term and then sent home on the last day of half term to be washed.
PE kits should include an indoor and outdoor kit
Indoor: white or blue t-shirt, black shorts, pumps
Outdoor: White or blue t-shirt, joggers, jumper/jacket and trainers.
Great Fire of London
Year 2 decorated houses in the style of those that were burnt by the fire in Pudding Lane in 1666. We then took them out onto the playground and recreated the Great Fire of London. We watched as the flames took over and destroyed the houses. The children have said this experience was amazing, wonderful, fun and a bit scary to watch!


Outstanding Owls!
Take a look at the outstanding owls that Class 6 and 7 have made with Mrs Maker.
The children have worked hard to design and sew their owl cushions and we think they look amazing!

Spring Term
Discover Project
Over the Spring term we will be focusing on our history based discover project with the big question, 'Does being brave make you stronger?' We will be looking at the Great Fire of London, taking part in a day dedicated to finding out more about this time in history, looking at historical figures that showed bravery and other exciting aspects to try to answer our big question.
Class 6 Fire of London Day
Class 7 Fire of London Day
Mystery Box Challenge
Find your brave!
Year 2 have been finding their brave this week. As part of child's mental health week we have been looking at being brave, what it means to us and how it makes us feel. We watched a video, The Wolf's Colourful Coat and talked about how brave the character Wolfgang was. The children then did some work on what brave new thing they would like to try.

Autumn Term
Create Project
Over the Autumn term we will be focusing on our arts based explore project with the big question, 'Can you create the feeling of Hakuna Matata?' We will be looking at African art and creating some of our own, exploring African dance and other exciting aspects to try to answer our big question.
Maasai Necklaces Class 6
Maasai Necklaces Class 7
Miss Hedges spoke to Year 2 about her time in Kenya and visiting a Massai tribe. She learnt about how they lived and their traditions. We made a Massai tribal necklace concentrating on pattern and colour.

In science, class 6 and 7 learnt about how germs can be spread and the importance of hand hygiene.
Hand Hygiene

Create Project
Can you create a feeling of Hakuna Matata? Year 2 have showcased their artwork and dance talents for parents and carers.