Class 4 & 5
Welcome to Class 4 & 5
Year 1
Class 4 - Mrs Price -
Class 5 - Miss Senior -
TAs - Mrs Bettison, Mrs Nelson, Mrs Sisson, and Mrs Sutton
The children have started their journey into year 1 well and are very excited about all the amazing things we have planned. Keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey through year 1.
Find out what we're learning about this term by clicking on our Project icon
Summer Term
Explore Project
Over the Summer term, we will be focusing on our Explore project, 'Are we always on a journey?'. We will become explorers and research our local area, starting with Berry Hill Primary School and expanding further out to develop our Geography skills of the United Kingdom.
We will be basing our writing on, 'The Secret of Black Rock' by Joe Todd Stanton. We are looking forward to producing some wonderful writing and artwork based on this project.
Also, we are looking forward to starting Forest Schools this term as well. We will get the opportunity to take our learning outdoors, and we will learn how to work as a team whilst developing so many skills.
The Secret of Black Rock
We loved making learning links to our new book in English by looking at different objects. We looked at each object carefully, and then discussed where they might have seen them before. This led to a discussion about holidays and experiences. Some children even discussed other books that they have read that links to the setting.

Are We Always On A Journey?
To launch our new project, we had to EXPLORE our playground to find clues as to what we will be learning about. We searched high and low, and we discovered nine pieces of a jigsaw. We worked well as a team to put the pieces together. The jigsaw was an aerial photograph of our school. We were surprised at just how big our school is! We talked about journeys before, after school and some of the bigger journeys that we can take.
Forest Schools
We are all very excited to start forest schools this half term. We will be making learning links to our Science knowledge, learn how to take care of our environment, and learn to work well as a team. Keep checking our twitter page for updates.
More photos of Forest Schools can be found in our Enrichment Gallery.
We have started our new science topic looking at plants. We started by investigation different fruits and vegetables. We looked closely at the inside, and we identified the different parts. We then looked closely to record our findings.
Tree Planting
As part of our explore project, we have been exploring our school grounds. We then linked this to our science knowledge to improve our school grounds. We have planted 60 saplings in front of our school. We can't wait to watch them grow!
Sherwood Trust Virtual Visitor
We had a great time talking to Katie about different types of landscapes. We all enjoyed looking at the drone footage of different sceneries and thinking about the different animals that might live in those areas. We designed our own woodland area so lots of animals could live safely. We also discussed why animals live in different parts of woods.
RE Day
Year 1 explored the life of Moses during their RE Day. They ordered the story and then re-told it using puppets that they made. They then thought about the big question 'Who inspires you?'. They thought carefully about who inspires them and created a poster for them.

Spring Term
Discover Project
Over the Spring term, we will be focusing on our discover project, 'What is once upon a time?'. We will be delving into the past to develop our history skills. We will be exploring the fascinating world of toys to see how they have changed over the years. We will be basing our writing on, ' Major Glad, Major Dizzy' by Jan Oke. Have you got a favourite toy? We will be talking to our family members to discuss how things have changed. This links closely to our science unit this half term, different materials. We will be learning about different materials, and how they help to make toys.
Year 1 really enjoyed looking at the story 'Major Glad Major Dizzy' by Jan Oke. They really thought about the characters in the story, especially Amelia. They all thought about what it might have been like for Amelia growing up. This inspired them to look at Victorian artefacts and investigate what they might have been used for. Some of the artefacts really surprised everyone.
The children worked well in pairs to sort different toys into the materials that they are made from. They then recorded their findings on a venn diagram.

Year 1 had a great day! They became treasure hunters in Maths. They searched high and low in the playground for pieces of gold and silver treasure. Once they found as many pieces as they could they started to compare the pieces by weighing them. Some great Maths discussions took place and lots of fun as well!
Science Week
Year 1 had a brilliant time investigating different materials. After reading the story 'After the Fall' the children decided to make Humpty Dumpty a box to ensure he stays safe. The children worked as a team to make the box, decorate it, and compact it with different materials. The best part of the week was when they got to test their own box with a real egg inside.
Autumn Term
Create Project
Over the Autumn term, we will be focusing on our create project, 'Do we see beauty in different ways?'. We will be exploring nature and looking at how the trees, weather and behaviours of animals are effected during the seasons. As our project develops, we will be answering lots of questions, generated by the children, and creating a variety of artwork to reflect our thoughts about the beauty of nature. We will be basing our writing on 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey.
Forestry England Virtual Visitor
On Friday 18th September, Year 1 had a special virtual visitor from Forestry England. Amy Chandler explained to the children the importance of woodlands and how we can help to protect them. The children enjoyed learning about all the different animals that live in our woods, they especially enjoyed researching about the dormouse after the visit. The children now know how trees are grown and protected. Here are a few photos from the visit.
Met Office Virtual Visit
On Wednesday 30th September, Year 1 had a fantastic virtual visit from the Met Office. The children looked at the beautiful Met Office building, and they got to see what equipment they use to predict the weather. The children used their observational skills to try and guess what each piece of equipment could have been used for. The children then went on to look at weather symbols and talk about each type of weather. All the children discussed their favourite types of weather and how they can affect our daily lives.
Woods Virtual Visit
On Wednesday 7th October, Year 1 had a virtual visit from an ecologist. Helen Miller took the children on a virtual visit to the woods to explore habitats and look at all the different types of trees. The children looked closely at animal tracks and identified them. After that, they looked at animal holes, and they were surprised by the size of a badger's hole! As they looked around the wood, they identified different trees by their leaves. They could even talk about the trees on our playground.
Virtual Visitor 13th October 2020
Year 1 had a virtual visitor to learn about the history of some of our local trees. Steve Horne explained to the children about the importance to the trees in Sherwood Forest and how old they are. Steve explained to the children how important it is to protect our woodlands.
What do people believe?
On the 6th November, Year 1 had our first RE day. We looked at the BIG question, 'What do people believe?' We broke it down into smaller questions throughout the day to discuss different beliefs. Year 1 all agreed it is OK to believe different things and everyone should be respectful.
We were very lucky to have Rev. Caroline Philips talk to the children about some Christians beliefs. All the children enjoyed actively taking part in the story, 'The Good Samaritan'.

Remembrance Day
On the 11th day of the 11th month, as a school, we held two minutes of silence to remember those who fought in the war. During the afternoon, year 1 looked more closely at the poppy. They learnt that poppies grew on the fields that the battle took place on. Year 1 had drew some poppies to help remember the day the war ended.
Odd Socks Day 2020
Proud to be different in year 1!

This half term, we have been exploring our senses. We labelled the different body parts and then identified our five senses. We discussed how we use our senses and how different things would be if we didn't have them.
This term we have been exploring 'Do we see beauty in different ways?' We decided to explore our local area in computing to see if we all like the same areas. We explored our school environment, and we went on a Google Earth walk around Berry Hill. This inspired us to create a map of our local area. We then learnt how to program a Bee-Bot. We looked at the program instructions on the Bee-Bot app, and then we applied those skills when programming the real Bee-Bots. We all decided it was great fun and can't wait to use the Bee-Bots again!
RE Day 2
How and what do people celebrate?
On Monday 14th December, we had our second RE day. As a class we discussed what books are special to us. This led on to us discussing what books are special to religions. We looked at The Bible and heard two stories about two very special babies. We looked at why we send Christmas cards and created our own traditional card. In the afternoon, we heard the Nativity story and this inspired us to create our own Nativity piece of artwork.
Christmas 2020
Year 1 have had a great time celebrating Christmas in school!