Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Class 2 & 3

Hello! Welcome to Class 2 & 3!

Class 2 -  Mrs O'Brien/Mrs Snowden

Class 3 - Miss Hancock 

TA's - Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Hogg

The children are settling into school and are enjoying engaging with our exciting learning experiences.

Keep checking our class page and twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey throughout the year.


Find out about our curriculum expectations by clicking on our EYFS curriculum icon!

Find out what we're learning about this term by clicking on our Project icon!

Check this week's home learning challenges by clicking on our Homework icon!

Keep up to date with any important information by clicking on our Letters icon!

Find out about how we teach phonics and find resources to help you at home by clicking on our Phonics icon!

Find out about PE and Outdoor Learning by clicking on our PE, Forest Friday and Outdoor Learning icon!

Welcome to Foundation Stage

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