Class 14 & 15
Welcome to Class 14 & 15
Year 6
Class 14 – Mrs Stirling-Wood –
Class 15 – Mr Wright –
The children have started their journey into year 6 well and are very excited about all the amazing things we have planned. Keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey through year 6.
Inspired to Write
There has been some truly outstanding writing in Year 6 this term. Here are some pictures of the Class 14 and Class 15 pages from our whole-school writing magazine, Inspired to Write. You can see the full magazine here:

First Aid Course
A volunteer from the Red Cross came to Berry Hill to teach our Year 6 children some first aid! During the visit, they learnt all about the work the Red Cross does in the UK and abroad, as well as how to administer first aid in emergencies. The volunteer taught the children what to do if someone is bleeding heavily, and how to perform CPR. Here are the children having a go at CPR on the resuscitation dummy to an energetic chorus of Baby Shark to help keep a steady rhythm.

Science Week
The theme for this year's Science Week was Growth. We decided to link our Science day with the human body as we've been learning all about this in our Science lessons. The children learnt how our immune system works, how viruses reproduce, and how antibodies work to beat viruses and keep us healthy. Here are some pictures of us in a race for survival - viruses vs antibodies, where the aim was to reproduce the viruses or antibodies as fast as possible.

Later in the day, we had a go at making origami viruses. This was trickier than we thought it would be!
Year 6 enjoyed learning about the immune system this week for science week! Please see pictures.
World Book Day

For World Book Day, we went around school completing a scavenger hunt. Year 6 very kindly helped the younger children do the scavenger hunt earlier in the day too.
Science - What's in Blood Investigation!
Year 6 enjoyed creating model blood and learning the main components of blood and their different functions.
We used these ordinary ingredients to make a model of blood. The 'plasma' should be yellow, but the red food colouring had other ideas!

Class 15
Class 14
Afterwards, we played a board game to check our understanding of the circulatory system.

As part of our Design and Technology curriculum, we were fortunate enough to have a visitor to teach us about urban drawing. Year 6 enjoyed the 3D Architectural sketching session with Dr Laura Alvarez who taught us about axonometric and perspective drawing. We had a go at sketching a building from above and a street disappearing into the horizon, and then saw lots of examples of work from architects that used these key skills.
Class 15
Class 14

Here are some of our sketches close up:
Spring Term
It has been a pleasure to welcome the children back to school for their second term in Year 6. This term, we will be focusing on Geography for our Explore topic (see the Explore tab) and Animals Including Humans for Science. Our text for Writing this half term is Holes by Louis Sachar (you can learn more about the book by clicking here).
Autumn Term
In English, the children will be reading Darwin's Dragons by Lindsay Galvin, which follows the imaginary adventures of Syms Covington (Darwin's assistant) who becomes stranded on one of the Galapagos islands! The story follows his remarkable discovery and this will be the inspiration for our Writing.
In Science, we will be learning about Evolution and Inheritance where - again - the children will learn about Charles Darwin! We will look at the work of other scientists too, such as Mary Anning, and explore how early fossil discoveries led to our improved understanding of evolution. Following on from this, the children will learn how offspring inherit characteristics from their parents.
In Maths, we will begin the year consolidating Place Value and Four Operations before applying these skills to deeper thinking questions. In Fluency sessions, the children will focus on honing their key skills and improving their speed and accuracy.
Year 6 had a fantastic time learning about the Vikings from a 'Viking Visitor'! Mansfield Palace Theatre provided an opportunity to bring learning about the Vikings to life with one of their workshops! It was fun, interactive and the children learned a lot! Here are some amazing pictures from the day. Thank you to Mansfield Palace Theatre.
Class 15
Exploding Books!
Year 6 have been really enjoying reading their novel in English 'Darwin's Dragons'. They have been working hard to learn new skills like using semicolons. They then used these in their 'Exploding Books' which showed some key events from the book. Please see some of the amazing work below:
Class 15 Exploding Books
Drumming Workshop
Class 15
Class 14
In our second Writing unit, we read Amazing Women: 101 Lives to Inspire you and the children write a biography of an amazing woman of their choice. I am so impressed with the passion they showed in their work - and their work certainly looks fantastic on display.