Class 14 & 15
Hello! Welcome to Class 14 & 15!
Find out what we're learning about this term by clicking on our Projects icon
If you are struggling for things to do while you are away from schoool, have a look at these posters made by our Year 6 children. They have some great ideas!
Time to workout!
Welcome to Year Six
Year Six is a year of opportunities, responsibilities, academic challenge and new horizons. Whilst all of our children are outstanding role models to their peers, through our house system, many children fulfill the role of House Captain and lead their houses by example. Year Six children also act as school Ambassadors and are called upon to show Berry Hill at its very best. You can keep up-to-date with what's going on by following us on Twitter
Class 14: Mrs Stirling-Wood
Class 15: Miss Depledge
Teaching Assistant: Miss Highfield
We have an exciting, challenging year ahead of us... and we can't wait!
PE Information
Our PE days are Monday (indoors) and Thursday
Thursday's PE lesson may be outdoors, when the weather permits. For all PE lessons, long hair should be tied back and jewellery should be removed.
PE kits should include an indoor kit and an outdoor kit.
Indoor: white or blue t-shirt, black shorts and pumps.
Outdoor: White or blue t-shirt, joggers, jumper/jacket and trainers.
Year Six were extremely fortunate to have many visitors during Exploring possibilities week, when volunteers from a range of professions gave up their time to talk to us about their careers. We met inspiring, passionate people - from publishers to engineers, nurses to BBC camera operators - we even welcomed visitors from the theatre and Crown Prosecution Service.
Watch this space for pictures
At the end of Autumn Term 1, Nottingham Trent University invited the Year Six children from Berry Hill to take part in a fun-filled day of art, D&T and Computing.
Watch this space for pictures
Class 15!
Well, you are simply an amazing class! You have excelled all of my expectations. I enjoy each day teaching our class and I will miss laughing with you all over the next few weeks. You have worked incredibly hard so far this year and showed how committed you are to your learning. Even though you aren’t sitting the SATs this year, you have all made excellent progress, shown resilience and had fun along the way. I know you will all keep in contact over the next few weeks and support each other when you need it but please email with any questions or your work for me to look at. Try and be creative, look after yourselves and have some fun! I will post activities and work that you can complete while you are away to ensure your progress is not lost. Please email the homework email address with anything for me look over!
I will see you all soon but for now I thought you would like to see some of our pictures and videos.
Miss Depledge
Always making me proud!

Always rememeber to KEEP, CHANGE, FLIP

A message for Class 14 - Mrs Stirling-Wood
Wow, Class 14, what a year it’s been already!
I’m having the best time being your teacher and I’ve been so impressed with the effort and hard work you’ve all shown. You have worked like Trojans - find out what that means if you don’t know – and you’ve made such great progress in the time we’ve had already. Keep that learning going!
I was thinking about all the things we’ve already done this year - In the first half of the year alone we have (take a deep breath)… had not one, but 5 visitors during possibilities week; performed a very funky harvest rap complete with some cool moves; visited Nottingham Trent University to do a range of exciting activities within D&T, Computing and Art; visited the Jorvik Viking Centre and Dig: An Archaeological Adventure in York, where we had a blast; had a lecture from a Professor about the heart and saw some real-life MRI scans of healthy and unhealthy hearts; dissected some ACTUAL, REAL hearts; spent a morning at Portland College planting trees; and ran a mile around the playground for Sport Relief – one of us in just swimming trunks! We also did some writing and counting 😊
There are no SATs this year – but the learning that goes into preparing for them is still vital. We will be updating the website regularly and adding work for you to do. Please do it and send it in to the school email – Enjoy time with your families, keep in touch with friends, and look after yourselves and each other.
See you all soon,
Mrs Stirling-Wood