Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Class 12 & 13

Welcome to classes 12 & 13

Year 5


Class 12 - Mr Bell

Class 13 - Mrs Davis


We have a very exciting year ahead and we can not wait to share our journey with you. Keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter feed to see day-to-day activities.


Year 5 letter to pupils Tuesday 2nd June

Monday 20th April Class 13 Letter from Mrs Davis


Good morning class 13,

I hope you had a fun filled Easter, I did; you know how much I like chocolate! What have you been up to? Email me at I would love to hear from you all.


I wanted to catch up with you all to introduce our CREATE project, ‘Is it always possible to invent something new?’ All year I have been looking forward to teaching this, I have enjoyed all our project but you know what they say about saving the best until last!


Mr Bell and I have uploaded our new project placemat (class page/homework folder/create project) and some tasks to begin to work on. Have a look at the first task; do you think you could invent a new device?  Send your ideas over, I am looking forward to seeing your most creative ideas.


Thank you to all the children who are continuing with their learning from home and sending their work to me. We will continue to add the daily math problem and the ten minute write along with the daily math lesson from White Rose Hub.

If there is anything else I can help with, please do not hesitate to contact me via the email address above, hopefully we will be back in school soon!


Mrs Davis

20th April 2020. Letter to Class 12 from Mr Bell


Hello Class 12,

I hope you’re all well and are keeping safe. I hope you had a fantastic Easter break (but didn’t eat too much chocolate!) We’ve got enough chocolate to last us until next Easter in our house. It’s been great to have such lovely weather too.

Staying at home is definitely the right thing to do at the moment whilst out fantastic NHS staff and many other key workers keep us all safe. I’ve been clapping for our carers every Thursday night at 8pm. Have you been doing it too? We even honked our car horn this week, as well as other people in the estate, to show our appreciation.


As we will be home learning for the next few weeks, Mrs Davis and I have uploaded lots of work for you to be doing. You will find the regular home learning which include a 10 minute write and a daily maths lesson from White Rose Hub. There will also be daily maths challenges for all you Maths Wizards out there (they’re tough)


We also have our new project question, ‘Will it always be possible to invent something new?’ Go to the folder Create project in the homework folder to find the project placemat as well as lots of home learning tasks. We think you’ll love them – we even think your parents/carers will too! How many devices do they remember using? Can you work out what they all are?


We’ve created a letter for your parents to help navigate the class page for all your home learning! We hope you find it useful.


Finally, I’ve been doing lots of reading during this time (especially with no football on TV) So far, I’ve read ‘Kick’ by Mitch Johnson and ‘Kenuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpugo. I’m currently half way through ‘The House with chicken legs’ by Sophie Anderson. I can recommend all three books as they’re excellent. Keep up with your reading at home too.


Speak to you all soon and keep safe.

Mr Bell

23rd March 2020. Class letters from Mrs Davis and Mr Bell

Good afternoon, class 13,

I hope you had a good weekend and are now ready to begin you home learning journey.  The pack we sent home is to start you off; I will also be adding activities to the homework section of our class page. Don’t forget how far you have come this year, you should all be proud of yourselves, I know I am extremely proud of each and every one of you. Let’s keep learning!

Mr. Bell and I have released the first of our year 5 competitions – design a school mascot. Could you create the winning entry? Please feel free to tweet your ideas, remembering to tag the school.  Also, email your design to We have many other fun ideas for competitions, which we will release at regular intervals.

I hope that it will not be too long until we are back in the classroom, please take care of yourselves and those close to you.

See you soon,

Mrs. Davis

Class 12!

I hope you’re all well and enjoying your first day of home learning! I’m sorry I couldn’t get to see you at the end of last       week. I really hope we get to be altogether again soon. In the meantime, enjoy spending time at home, complete the work in your home learning packs as well as the practical ideas too! The sun has started shining once again, just in time for home learning, so make sure you get out in your garden if you can.

As well as the home learning packs you have, I’ve included some new maths lessons for you to complete on the topic we started last week, decimals to 2 places. There’s a video to help you as well as some extra questions.

If you haven’t seen, there’s a morning P.E lesson on Youtube at 9am. Check it out! P.E with Joe. It’s a great way to start the day and get you moving.

Mrs Davis and I have been talking about different competitions we can do. Our first one is to design a school mascot. The suggestions include a kind berry and a super berry. You could try to link the berry mascot to one our school values or even your house team! I will be designing one shortly J I can’t wait to see your ideas and designs!

Watch this space for more exciting competitions for you to enter! I will keep you posted on new challenges, competitions and fun things for us to share!

Until next time, stay safe and enjoy your home learning.

Mr Bell.

We loved creating animals using plastic waste as part of our

Class 13 loved showing off their potato creations for World Book Day.

We had a very productive morning with Ben Bradley, asking hime questions about local democracy. We found out what his job entails and how he became a member of Parliament.

We loved our day out at Nottinghamshire County Council's Chambers.  The children met many councillors including the vice-chairman.  They all had the opportunity to ask a question in the chamber and learned the correct way to address the chairman. We were even allowed to wear the heavy chain the vice-chairman was wearing.

Our class worked collaboratively to create an image showing the fall of Icarus.

Solving place value problems with number up to one million!

PE Information


We will be taking part in PE on Tuesday and Thursday this term.

Please tie long hair back and remove any jewelry.


PE Kits should include...

Indoor: white or blue t-shirt, black shorts and pumps.

Outdoor: white or blue t-shirt, joggers, jumper/jacket and trainers.


