Class 10 & 11
Welcome to Class 10 & 11
Year 4
Class 10 – Mr Bell –
Class 11 – Mrs Jones & Mrs Durham –
TAs - Mr Jenkins and Mrs Colley
Summer term 2 P.E
Year 4 PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for both classes for the remainder of the year.
We are very much looking forward to an exciting Summer term in year 4. Please keep checking our class page for updates and our twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey through year 4.
Summer Term
Discover Project
In our history orientated discover project we have asked the children the big question 'How do communities evolve?' and will support and encourage them to discover the answers by identifying the changes that took place in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age including the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, early farmers and early construction including Skara Brae, Stonehenge and hill forts.
The House at the edge of magic
In literacy, we are reading 'The House at the edge of magic' by Amy Sparkes. It's an incredibly exciting book full of wonder, magic and action.
"Sometimes you are a whisper away from magic without even realizing it."
'How do communities evolve?' project placemat
Spring Term
Create Project
Over the Spring term we will be focusing on our create project with the big question, 'How can we make meaning from sound?'
We will consider the similarities and differences between sound and music and investigating how sound is created and how it travels as well as exploring instruments and sounds from around the world. The children will also have the opportunity to create their own instruments and make their own compositions.
Project Placemat
Class 10 drumming workshop

Class 10 drumming workshop

Autumn Term
Explore Project
During our geography inspired explore project in the autumn term, the journey made by Phileas Fogg around the world will be used as a stimulus in the children's pursuit to answer the big question ‘Where is the best place on Earth?’
The children will use compass points, grid references and lines of longitude and latitude, to deliberate the location of countries in Europe, and the wider world. They will also research the geographical differences between these countries, including climate, environmental regions and natural disasters (specifically volcanoes and earthquakes) sharing their findings in a creative presentation.