Class 10 & 11
Welcome to Class 10 and 11
Year 4
Class 10 - Mrs Davis
Class 11 - Mrs Jones & Mrs Durham
TAs - Mr Jenkins & Miss Elliott
Keep checking our class page and our twitter account for
regular updates on our learning journey through year 4.
Find out what we're learning about this term by clicking on our Project icon
Summer Term
Discover Project
We are asking the children the big question, 'How do communities evolve?' to introduce our history based discover project, which will span across the Summer term. In order to discover the answer children will learn about the main events and changes from the Stone Age to the Iron Age and consider what life was like for our prehistoric ancestors comparing their own lives to the children who lived on the Earth millions of years ago.
Spring Term
Create Project
Over the Spring term we will be focusing on our art based project with the big question, 'How do we make meaning from sound?' We will explore how sound is created, the definition of sound and compare and contrast sound and music.
Well done to our Spring term Authors for having their hard work published in our school magazine - Inspired to Write.
Well done to our Easter competition winners!
We are delighted to receive some new books in year 4, kindly donated through the Wish List scheme
Thank you so much to poet and author Stephen Pass who sent all of the children Madge the Mermaid stickers
Also thank you to Stephen Pass for choosing one of our year 4 pupils as the winner of his poetry competition. Here is the winner wearing Stephen's famous Madge the Mermaid T-shirt.
Blended Learning through the lockdown period 2021
The timetable in year 4 is very similar for the children in the classroom and the children working from home to ensure an effective and consistent provision.
We are offering live lessons every week day morning as follows: Maths from 9.15am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and English from 11am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 9.15am on Wednesday. The slides for these lessons can be found in the Files section on Teams so that children can access the information we are using in the lessons when they are completing their independent work or if for any reason they miss the lesson.
When accessing live lessons please ensure that your microphone is muted, unless you are asked to respond to a question. You can use the hand up facility or the live chat to ask a question or to participate in the lesson. Please also ensure that you are dressed appropriately and in a suitable space in the house such as a living or dining room, not in a bedroom. You may find it helpful to have a pencil and paper available.
Maths and English work produced at home should be submitted to the year 4 staff using Assignments on Teams, before the deadline of 9am on the day following the live lesson. You can upload typed work or pictures of written work.
Work for other subjects should be submitted using Classroom Notebook on Teams or the class email: and If work is submitted using Classroom Notebook please do make us aware using the chat log on Teams as we do not get a notification for this.
If you need any help with blended learning please do not hesitate to contact anyone of us at school.
Autumn Term
Explore Project
Over the Autumn term we will be focusing on our geography based explore project with the big question, 'Where is the best place on Earth?' We will follow in the tracks of the fictional character Phileas Fogg who travelled around the world in 80 days and research the geographical location and physical features of each country he visited on the way.
Our fantastic reindeer Christmas card designs, we had so much fun making them!
Some of our fantastic Christmas biscuits designs.
Celebrations all round!
Oh yes we did have a great time at the virtual panto!
Didn't the children look fabulous in their Christmas jumpers!
Look at our amazing non-chronological reports on the rainforest!
Our second RE Day was a huge success! We focused on the Jewish festival Sukkot. A sukkah, which means in Hebrew booth or tabernacle is built and Jews spend as much time as possible in it, for a whole week. We discussed the four kinds and included the Etrog (a fruit like a lemon) in our sukkot wreaths. Look at how fabulous they are!
To promote a positive sense of wellbeing we have had a go at some of the activities from the Young Minds wellbeing advent calendar. These are some of our care Christmas trees, the children considered what and who makes them feel safe and happy and decorated their trees with these ideas.
On Wednesday 2nd December, Class 11 had a fantastic virtual visit with Aurelia Reichardt, a marine biologist who studies the ocean in the Antarctic. We learnt so much about the wildlife, climate and physical and human geography in this very special, unique environment!
On Friday 27th November, we had a virtual visit with author and poet Stephen Pass enjoying snippets of his book Madge the Mermaid and a selection of his poems. What a fantastic experience!
On Thursday 26th November, we had a virtual visit from Susan an atmospheric dispersion scientist who works at the MET office. She spoke to us about the impact of volcanoes on aviation and showed us how to do a volcanic ash forecast!
On Wednesday 25th November, we had a visit from Penny, a geoscientist who spoke to us about possibilities and careers in Earth Sciences.
Friendship Friday was a great way to end Anti-bullying week. We discussed what traits we look for in a friend, decided what friends should and shouldn't do and wrote a set of friendship rules.
16.11.20 - 20.11.20 Road Safety Week - Year 4 produced some fantastic leaflets to remind themselves and others about the main points in the Green Cross Code to help each other stay safe while crossing the road.
We were delighted to have a virtual visit from author Satinder Chohan. She adapted the story The Girl of Ink and Stars into a script, which was used to create the amazing audio drama, which we have been enjoying in class. She has certainly inspired some of our own up and coming writers!
In year 4, we were fortunate enough to get involved with a really exciting CBeebies project. The children were asked to watch and appraise the pilot for two new potential shows! This experience enabled the children to consider the possibilities of working in television and film. Fantastic!
16.11.20 - 19.11.20 Anti-bullying Week - To kickstart the week we all wore oddsocks to school in celebration of Oddsocks Day and to promote being proud of being different! We also used a concept cartoon to explore the roles that people take in bullying scenarios and considered the part that we can all play to stop bullying once and for all by being united against bullying!
Children in Need and wear blue for wellbeing - We asked the children 'What is wellbeing?' They struck a pose to show us what they think good and poor wellbeing looks like.
In our science lessons this half term we have taken part in the Young Citizens Expedition project to explore the impact that plastic pollution is having on our oceans, to help solve the pollution crisis and educate people on why we need laws to protect the environment.
Our first RE Day was a huge success! We explored what people believe with a focus on the five pillars of Islam. The children were really interested, learned a lot and produced some fabulous work!
During WW1 the land was blasted and bombed, previously beautiful landscapes became bleak and barren. There was however an amazingly striking contrast, thousands of bright red poppies. These resilient flowers flourished in the middle of the chaos. We produced a piece of multimedia art in year 4 to portray this poignant image.
We had a fantastic virtual visit from the actors who play the characters Pablo and Isabela in The Girls of Ink and Stars audio drama. The children listened brilliantly and asked some really fantastic questions! Some of the children have decided that acting, directing and sound engineering are definitely possibilities which they are interested in!
We see some future writing career possibilities in year 4! Well done to the children who had their work featured in the very first Inspired to Write Berry Hill magazine!
In maths, the children in Classes 10 and 11 were actively engaged with learning about Roman Numerals and enjoyed this hands on activity...
A huge congratulations to the year 4 children selected for hot chocolate with the head on Friday 9th October, it was well deserved and much enjoyed...
The year 4 children considered what mental health looks like and created their striking interpretations of good and poor mental health to raise awareness