Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Class 10 & 11

Hello! Welcome to Class 10 & 11!


Update 20.04.20 - Introduction to our new Discover Project

Welcome to classes 10 & 11

Year 4


Class 10 - Mr Wright

Class 11 - Mrs Jones & Mrs Durham

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Clayton


Year 4 is an opportunity for the children to develop their independence, problem solving skills and team work ready for their transition from lower key stage 2 into upper key stage 2. We have an exciting year ahead and we can not wait to share all of the amazing things we do. Keep checking our class page for updates and our Twitter account to see day-to-day activities

Year 4 parent welcome PowerPoint presentation

PE Information


Our PE days are Monday afternoon (Indoor), Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (swimming).

Please tie long hair back and remove any jewellery.


We advise that PE kits are brought into school at the start of each term and then sent home on the last day of half term to be washed.


PE kits should include an indoor kit and an outdoor kit.

Indoor: white or blue t-shirt, black shorts and pumps.

Outdoor: White or blue t-shirt, joggers, jumper/jacket and trainers.


Summer Term

Discover Term


Our history based discover project is due to run across the Summer term inspired by the big question 'How do communities evolve?' and exploring the impact of early man on the modern community. How have our living arrangements and eating habits changed over time? 

Spring Term

Create Project


Over the Spring term we will be focusing on our create project with the big question, 'How can we make meaning from sound?' We will consider the similarities and differences between sound and music and investigating how sound is created and how it travels as well as exploring instruments and sounds from around the world. The children will also have the opportunity to create their own instruments and make their own compositions. 


Autumn Term

Explore Project


Over the Autumn term we will be focusing on our geography based explore project with the big question, 'Where is the best place on Earth?' We will follow in the tracks of the fictional character Phileas Fogg who travelled around the world in 80 days and research the geographical location and physical features of each country he visited on the way. 

RE Day - The children in year 4 explored Hinduism and how families practise their religion. One of the highlights from the day was creating Rangoli patterns using Rainbow Drops.

Create Project Homework. Look at the amazing ideas, effort and hard work that has gone into these projects.

Explore Project Homework. Look at the amazing ideas, effort and hard work that has gone into these projects.

The Iron Man

Open afternoon

Severn Trent Visit - Sewage 

Friendship Friday was an opportunity in year 4 for the children to write poems about how it is possible to create a better world through kindness and friendship

Class 11 enjoyed listening to and signing along with songs about friendship to celebrate Friendship Friday

Still image for this video

Class 11 enjoyed listening to and signing along with songs about friendship to celebrate Friendship Friday

Still image for this video

The children in year 4 met local resident Jo Riley who shared her research about the Great War, an interesting and thought provoking opportunity for the children

Curriculum Impact and Culture Capital. We asked the children about the impact that our recent visit from Jungle Jo and trip to Sherwood Pines had on their learning and we collected their responses. We hope you enjoy reading these responses as much as we did. We are delighted that these wonderful opportunities have had such a positive impact on the children and on their learning and their vocabulary. See if they can spot their own responses.

Animal Detectives Quiz: What am I? These are all evidence of livings things found around the grounds of Sherwood Pines. Can you work out what they are?

The year 4 children enjoyed looking for evidence of living things in a woodland habitat on the trip to Sherwood Pines.

Jungle Jo's visit was fantastic! She showed us some amazing invertebrate species from all around the world!

Feedback on the impact of possibilities week by the children in Class 11

Possibilities Week has been a great opportunity for the children to find out about some really interesting jobs, which has inspired them and enabled them to consider the possibilities for their own futures

We're going on a bug hunt... looking for invertebrates in the micro-habitats in the local environment!

Stand out achievements

Fantastic take care projects. Well done!
