Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Class 1

Hello! Welcome to Class 1

Our Foundation Stage Leader is Mrs Day.  Our Nursery Teacher is Mrs Miller

Our Teaching Assistants are: Mrs Hogg & Miss Woods. 


The children have settled quickly into nursery and are enjoying engaging with our exciting learning experiences.


Keep checking our class page and twitter account for regular updates on our learning journey throughout the year.

                                                 Spring Term   

Throughout the Spring Term learning is linked around selected texts.                     


Take a look at the fantastic potato characters

We shared and discussed our favourite books. 

The Runaway Pancake

The children created their own pancake characters,
We mixed the batter, cooked and tasted the delicious pancakes.
We tossed the pancakes and had pancake races.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears 

Using our senses, exploring textures and generating vocabulary.

The Train Ride by June Crebbin 


Exploring and mixing colours.

Planning and making our own train.

Autumn Term

Welcome back!  Our Project this half term is 'Food'.  We have begun to find out about celebratory food and made Bonfire Food, tasty hot dogs and chocolate apples. 

Take a look at some of our experiences throughout the first half term.

We learnt about the importance of 'Taking Care'.  We discussed taking care of ourselves, others, our environment and the world. 

We found out how recycling cares for the world and explored the process of making recycled paper.

We engaged in role play, showing how we consider feelings and care for others.

Eating healthy food helps us to take care of ourselves.

We used our senses to explore materials, develop new vocabulary and find out about the world around us. 
We developed gross motor skills: balancing, climbing, jumping and negotiated space though playing outside.
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