Autumn Term 1
The Autumn Term welcomes new children into nursery. Throughout the first half term children become familiar with the nursery environment, staff and peers.
The children take part in child initiated activities and small adult led group times.
Children are introduced to, and supported in, following the 'Golden Rules' and the 'Take Care' ethos that are promoted throughout the school.
Autumn 1 Topic - 'Good to be Me'.
Within the topic we find out about one another eg our families, food, celebrations, toys etc.
Focus texts that support the topic include:
- 'The Big Book of Families' - Explores how families, houses and life styles are the same and different to their own.
- 'Elmer' - Celebrates differences and uniqueness. Children develop their awareness of individuality and respect for diversity.
- 'The Everywhere Bear' - Encourages children to talk about their own teddy bear or favourite toy. Children are introduced to our nursery bear. 'Ted' is our own Everywhere Bear. He is resident in nursery at present and joins children in their play.
'ALL ABOUT ME BOX' - children are invited, over the Autumn Term, to take home a Nursery 'All About Me Box' within which they put in items from home which they would like to 'show and tell' to the class.
'All ABOUT ME SQUARES' - all children have a personalised display board in nursery. These are a patchwork of hessian 'squares' arranged across the nursery walls.
Here children have their work and special moments added to their board.
- 'Bring your Teddy to Nursery' - towards the end of term children are invited to bring their teddy bear to nursery. We love to meet and find out about one another's bears. A super opportunity for speaking, listening and sharing with friends.
- Harvest Time - As children find out about Autumn and seasonal changes they find out about the autumn harvest. Harvest traditions and 'Taking Care of Others' are promoted in school, providing children with an appreciation of how sharing can impact on others.
- Bread Making - 'The Little Red Hen' is the supporting text linked to Harvest Time. Children experience working together to bake and share their bread.