Autumn 2
Autumn term 2 - Week beginning 30.11.20
There is no formal homework this week other than to practise the phonics, handwriting and maths activities provided in the parents evening pack.
Autumn term 2 - Week beginning 23.11.20
Thank you to those of you who are reading the phonics book regularly at home; it is having a big impact on the children's reading ability.
There is no formal homework this week other than to practise the phonics, handwriting and maths activities provided in the parents evening pack.
Autumn term 2 - Week beginning 16.11.20
Thank you to those of you who are reading the phonics book regularly at home; it is having a big impact on the children's reading ability.
There is no formal homework this week other than to practise the phonics, handwriting and maths activities provided in the parents evening pack.
Autumn term 2 - week commencing 9.11.20
There is no formal homework this week but here some things you and your child could have a go at.
* Name writing - ask your child to write their name and talk about how they would spell it and write it down.
* Simple addition - ask your child to work out a simple sum e.g. '2 + 3 =' You could use objects to allow your child to represent the sum physically.
* Learning and recognising the 'teen' numbers. If your child is able to count confidently to 10 and recognise the numerals, have a go at counting to 20. Ask children to point to the numeral of the number they are saying.
Autumn term 2 - Week beginning 2.11.20
There is no formal homework this week but there are some things children could have a go at whilst they are at home.
* Recognising and reading their name. If your child can read their first name, move on to their second name.
* Encourage children to become independent putting on and taking off their coat. Including doing their zip up!
* Ask your child to continue a repeating shape pattern e.g. circle, square, circle, square...
* 1 more and 1 less. Ask your child to work out 1 more and 1 less than a given number. You could use household items to work out the answer e.g. 'I have 2 forks, what is 1 more than 2?' your child could then add 1 more fork and count how many there are in total.