Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

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Autumn 2

Autumn Half Term 2


In the second half of the Autumn term, from November to Christmas, we will be reading the following stories and learning about the following things:


Weeks 1 and 2: Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes and Remembrance Day - We will be learning about the history behind Fireworks Night and will learn an age appropriate version of Guy Fawkes. We will also be learning about why we commemorate Remembrance Day. 


Weeks 3: Diwali and Anti Bullying Week- We will be learning about the religious festival of Diwali; who celebrates it, how it is celebrated and why. We will talk about friendship and ways to stay safe and happy at school.


Weeks 4 and 5: Owl Babies - Martin Waddell. We will learn the story and think about the character's feelings and thoughts throughout the story. We will write speech bubble captions for different points in the story. We will also learn lots of information about Owls. 


Weeks 6 and 7: Hanukah and Christmas . We will learn about two more religious festivals; who celebrates them, how they are celebrated and why. We will label characters in a Nativity scene. 

Week beginning 30.11.20 Owl Babies continued and Snow on Forest Friday

Week beginning 23.11.20 Owl Babies

Week beginning 16.11.20 Diwali

Week beginning 9.11.20 Kandinsky pictures and Remembrance Day

Week beginning 2.11.20 Bonfire Night themed learning
