Autumn 1
Autumn Term 1 Week Beginning 12.10.20
We have had an extremely busy half term! There is no formal homework this week as we feel that it is important for the children to have a break. We have sent home the Autumn scavenger hunt and hope that you re able to go outside and enjoy this! Have a restful and enjoyable half term and we look forward to seeing you all when we return. When we return, we will begin Autumn Half term 2 so each category on the website (project and homework) will now have an Autumn 2 page.
Autumn term 1 Week beginning 5.10.20
On a Thursday, your child's class teacher will be changing their book. Please ensure that they have their reading diary and phonics book in school this day so that we can write in their diary to let you know how they have read at school that week and so that we can change their book.
Thank you to everyone that has written in the reading diary to let us know how the children read at home. Reading for just 5/10 minutes every day at home will have a significant impact on your child's progress in reading so your support is very much appreciated. Please refer to the phonics section on our website if you have any questions on how we teach phonics. We also have links to phonics resources that you can download and links to videos to help you learn how to pronounce letter sounds. We teach letter names as well as letter sounds but it is important that children use letter sounds when reading and writing to help them sound out words.
Autumn term 1 Week beginning 29.9.20
The children all have a phonics book this week to read and share at home with you. When they read with an adult at school, they will receive a new book that their teacher has selected for them and is matched to their understanding of phonics, their reading ability and their comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. They will change their phonics book once a week. We would like the children to read their book with you several times, so that they begin to build up their familiarity and fluency with the text and increase their confidence and likelihood of achieving success when reading it.
Some books are wordless to encourage discussion and thinking about the pictures in the book, some books have words for you to read to your child and encourage children to find things that begin with certain letter sounds (we call the sound something begins with the initial sound) and some books have simple words for the children to read using letter/sound correspondences that the children have learnt in phonics.
From next week, the children will also have a 'Library book' which they will choose themselves to share with you at home. We do not expect them to read this themselves, as it will likely be beyond their reading ability. This is a book for you to share with your child to encourage a love of reading and books.
To help you with your understanding of phonics, please click on the phonics icon on the Class 2 and 3 page. This will explain what phonics is and how it is taught at Berry Hill.
If you have any questions then please speak to your child's class teacher.
Autumn term 1 - Week beginning 21.9.20
There is no formal homework this week but there are some things we would like children to work on at home.
*Recognising/reading their name. If they are confident with their first name, they should also learn their surname.
*Putting on coats independently.
*Patterns - children have recently looked at patterns and need to continue to work on them. Try starting a pattern e.g. red dot, blue dot, with your child and see if they can continue the pattern.
Autumn term 1 - Week beginning 14.9.20
There is no formal homework this week but there are some things children could have a go at whilst at home.
*Recognising/reading their name. If they are confident with their first name, they should also learn their surname.
*Holding a pencil with the correct tripod grip. Tripod grip is using the thumb, first finger and middle finger to hold the pencil.
*Writing their name. Talk about the letters in their name and help them form them. You could write their name for them so they can copy.
Autumn term 1 - Week beginning 7.9.20
We have not set any formal homework this week but there are some things that the children could work on at home to help improve their skills.
*Recognising/reading their name. If they are confident with their first name, they should also learn their surname.
*Writing their name. If they are confident with their first name, they should also learn their surname.
*Holding child scissors and cutting out. You could draw lines and shapes for them to cut.
*Holding a pencil with the correct tripod grip. Tripod grip is using the thumb, first finger and middle finger to hold the pencil.
*Putting on a coat independently and practising the zip.
*Counting objects accurately by saying one number name and touching an object.