Berry Hill Primary & Nursery School

Unlocking Talent and Fulfilling Potential

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Autumn 1

Autumn Half Term 1


In the first half of the Autumn term, from September to October, we will be reading the following stories and learning about the following things:


Week 1: Odd Dog Out - Rob Biddulph. This is our school story and inspires our motto of "Take Care and Stand Out". We will be learning about our similarities and differences and discovering what makes us special and unique. We will start to think about how we can become a 'Take Care person'.


Weeks 2 and 3: The Little Red Hen - Traditional Tale. We will be learning about kindness and the importance of helping others. We will also learn about farm animals and growing food on farms. 


Week 4: Autumn songs and poems. We will reflect on the changing seasons and explore our outdoor area. We will learn about Harvest Festivals and Celebrations. 


Week 5: Superworm - Julia Donaldson. We will learn about and look for minibeasts in our outdoor area. We will continue to think about the importance of helping others.


Weeks 6 and 7: Police, Doctors and Firefighters . We will think about people who perform 'Take Care' jobs and the qualities they have as a 'Take Care person'. We will think about other jobs where you have to be a 'Take Care person'. 

Week beginning 5.10.20 Minibeast hunting and other activities!

Week beginning 7.9.20 Our Activities!

14.9.20 Making leaf crowns, virtual farm visit and weekly activities!

21.9.20 Mud painting, nature mobiles, repeating patterns and sorting food into food groups

29.9.20 Nature treasure hunt, practising counting and drawing skills and making autumn themed crafts.
